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A comprehensive list of what you should do, and not do to care for your garments.The objective of fabricare is to clean and restore garments to a condition so they look new. Fabricare processes can be divided into two basic steps: soil removal and finishing. Soil removal generally is accomplished by immersing the soiled textile item in water or a solvent to dissolve or flush-out the soils present. Some type of mechanical action and a detergent aid in the removal of the soils. Cleaning with solvents generally is referred to as drycleaning, while cleaning with water is referred to as laundering or wetcleaning. The term laundering is used to describe machine washing in either domestic or commercial applications. Wetcleaning generally refers to hand washing of garments in a professional cleaning facility.
Save the hanging tags that come with garments you buy. Show them to your drycleaner and take note of instructions that have to do with home care. Brush your clothes regularly and thoroughly.
Dry rain-soaked or damp garments thoroughly in a cool, well ventilated place before hanging in a closet.
Have garments drycleaned regularly. Even nominal accumulation of perspiration, grease, grit and dust particles impair the attractiveness and longevity of a garment. Garments cleaned regularly last longer.
Take stained garments to the drycleaner immediately. Exposure to air, heat and light sets stains and can make their removal impossible.
When a garment has been stained, tell your drycleaner about the staining substance; it is important for successful stain removal.
Press a garment if it's stained. The heat of pressing will set the stain in the fabric and possibly make it's removal impossible.
Hang knitted garments. Hanging stretches them out of shape and causes a sagging hemline. Knits are best stored in a drawer or folded over a padded hanger.
Use untested (or even tested) home stain removers. They can aggravate the condition of the fabric or may create permanent damage like color loss. Take the garment to DRYCLEAN USA for professional stain removal and cleaning..
Use nail polish remover to remove nail polish stains. This may damage the garment's dye. If the garment is an acetate, nail polish remover can create a hole in the fabric.
Store garments at home without having them cleaned and moth-proofed before storage. Be sure that the storage boxes or cedar chests used are kept in a cool dry place.